今天廷下課回家,高興的宣佈老師拿了個獅子借他回家玩一天,我打開書包一看,一個塑膠盒中裝了獅子娃娃,胸前繡個中國字『泰』,還有一本紀錄, ”Tai’s Travels”, 獅子阿泰的旅行,內頁中說明獅子阿泰已經去過很多個國家了,今天很高興來到這裡當一日客人,但是請注意阿泰很怕水,小朋友也不用幫他洗澡,只有James可以幫阿泰洗澡,小朋友可以畫下跟阿泰玩的情形,爸媽也可以協助紀錄說明.
廷高興的作了畫,內容是一家人跟獅子阿泰還有小貓一起到花園玩,從構圖到著色,都是廷自己完成的. 關於內頁下方的說明欄,我原本打算這樣寫的
The best thing is just to be together.
Kelly went home with a new friend Tai, and she said Tai would visit out home for one day. Her first question is what is the meaning of Tai? The world means good luck, good health, and many good things in life. So, what is the best thing for you? You can show it to Tai. Kelly said the best thing is just to be together, therefore, she took Tai with her to do every daily thing, like watch her favorite TV show-lulumi, play with her brother, and introduce Tai to everyone.
Yes, it is a good thing to be together.
Kelly went home happily with her one-day guest Tai. She introduced Tai to everyone. Kelly planned to take Tai playing outside and she got a company for Tai- her orange poppy cat. Kelly wished it would rain latter so that we can have rainbow by the sunshine. You know, it did rain latter in the night, but we got no rainbow in the dark sky.